mardi 2 juillet 2013

6 Sex Toys You Can’t Live Without

Pink rotative dildo sex toy

Playtime just got a whole lot better

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, everyone owes themself a little investment in a few toys. Whether it’s for personal sex-exploration or a toy that you’re planning on using with a partner, these toys will drastically improve the way you have sex.

Sex is one of the most natural things for humans to do, but if you’re looking for out-of-this-world orgasms, you might appreciate a little help. Sex toys help you to get to that spot that you might not be able to reach on your own. They can intensify the feelings you would naturally get. They can also make it easier to perform the act so that you can orgasm for a longer period of time. The benefits are many, and so are the toys.

With literally hundreds of toys to choose from, how do you know that you have the right sex toys? To answer this question, I asked friends and cam girl TT Rosexxx, a sex toy specialist like myself to make sure that I wasn’t leaving anything out. To get a good variety of toys that will cover most of your important erogenous zones, there are six accessories that you should always keep handy in the bedroom.
blind fold
#1. Blindfold. This classic is so easy to use and start enjoying immediately. Put the blind fold over your eyes to add a little mystery and excitement to foreplay. When you feel the sensations with your eyes closed, you don’t know what will come up next. Your other senses will be heightened as you anxiously await the next move. This is especially pleasing if you have a partner whom you trust to surrender your body.

#2. Vibrating Anal T. Get harder and achieve a bigger orgasm with a vibrating anal T. Anal stimulation feels incredible for men and woman. If you’re worried about the feeling of penetration, let the lubed tip of the vibrator gently stroke your anus to get that ass-licking sensation. You will be overcome with this powerful turn- on, making your rod rock solid.
handcuffs fox sex roleplay#3. Handcuffs. Let loose and have a little fun by surrendering to pleasure. One of the most used senses while having sex is touch. Once you are no longer able to touch, you will be surprised by your need to touch and be touched. Give the control over to your partner to decide when, how and where they will touch you next. The element of surprise will quicken your heartbeat.

pocket pussy

#4. Pocket Pussy. This flesh feeling toy is so easy to use and feels amazing. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this treat can always come in handy. If she’s too tired, or maybe too busy stimulating your anus from behind, you’ll still have a soft and warm place where you can express yourself. Get the softest experience by using your favourite lube for gold stars guaranteed.

Leather whip sex toy for sex roleplay#5. Leather Whip. Use this yourself or let your partner use this on you to get better orgasms. There is nothing sexier than role playing in the bedroom. This gives us the time to take a break from everyday responsibilities and take on another personality while getting sexy. If you both enjoy being dominant, take turns whipping each other. Feeling the quick sting of the leather hitting your skin is a huge turn on.

Sex swing (sex toy for sex roleplay#6. Sex Swing. A sex swing is a great investment that everyone should look into making. Sometimes inflexibility can get in the way of deeper penetration. That inflexibility can be caused by a bit of weight gain, or a minor injury. Sex swings help your body to get into more painless positions to get the sex you want. You can get into positions that you never thought possible. The suspension makes you weightless so that you can move free from the limitations of gravity.

Keep your sex inspiration sharp. Whether with your girl, masturbating or doing both, these sex toys are sure to increase the pleasure of your experience. Start off with the basics and go from there.  

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